How to coin a category out of thin air

Drift - Conversational Marketing

🎯 The Challenge: There are tons of chatbots. Having the most advanced technology is the value proposition of 99% of the market.

💡 The Positioning: While most tech platforms were racing towards more automation and tech, Drift chose a different lane. They positioned themselves as the guardian of human touch in sales, emphasizing that people buy from people.

📈 The Execution:

  • Pioneering “Conversational Marketing”: Focusing on real human conversations over generic, automated interactions.
  • Publishing “This Won’t Scale”: A testament to their unique approach, showcasing how they prioritized genuine human connections over mere efficiency.
  • Embracing a core belief: A steadfast commitment to the philosophy that human interaction remains pivotal in sales today.


🔑 Key Takeaways:

Challenge the Status Quo: It’s sometimes more rewarding to go against industry norms if it aligns with your brand’s core beliefs.
Humanize the Experience: In an age of automation, a genuine personal touch can be a brand’s strongest asset.

To summarize, Drift’s success story is a call for brands to introspect: Are we losing the ‘human’ in our rush for efficiency? In an era where automation is king, perhaps it’s time to place the crown back on human connection.

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